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Trees with Custom Coordinates

Topic: export

Trees can be plotted with root.plot() for a simple matplotlib. For more sophisticated plots, it is recommended to export the tree to dot (supports pydot, graphviz), mermaid, or pillow. To set your own x- and y- coordinates, this utilises and builds on top of the existing pydot package.

There are 3 ways to get the x- and y- coordinates for each node

  1. Use reingold tilford function (fastest and easiest)
  2. Modify from the Reingold Tilford algorithm from (1)
  3. Use your custom coordinates

Using these x- and y- coordinates, we can display it on a pydot plot using the pos node attribute. In the example below, we will make use of option (2) to generate our tree plot with custom coordinates.

from bigtree import Node, clone_tree, list_to_tree, reingold_tilford, tree_to_dot

# Create tree
root = list_to_tree(["a/b/d", "a/c"])

# Modify from the Reingold Tilford algorithm

class CoordinateNode(Node):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.y = 2 * self.y  # example

root_coordinate = clone_tree(root, CoordinateNode)

# Export tree to dot (pydot)
def node_pos(_node):
    return {"pos": f"{_node.x},{_node.y}!"}

graph = tree_to_dot(root_coordinate, node_attr=node_pos)
graph.write_png("assets/docs/coordinate_tree.png", prog="neato")

Custom Coordinate Tree Output