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💬 Convention and Standards

Git Workflow

When creating branches, it is recommended to create them in the format type/action. For example,

$ git checkout -b feat/add-this

This project enforces conventional commits when writing commit messages.

  • The regex for conventional commits is as such (?s)(build|ci|docs|feat|fix|perf|refactor|style|test|chore|revert|bump)(\(\S+\))?!?:( [^\n\r]+)((\n\n.*)|(\s*))?$.

Code Style and Format

As much as possible, this project follows the Google Python Style Guide. During pre-commit checks, this project checks and formats code using black, flake8, isort, and mypy.


For testing, this project uses pytest and coverage package for testing of codes, and doctest and docstr-coverage package for testing of docstrings.