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💻 Installation

There are two ways to install bigtree, with pip (recommended) or conda.

Installation with pip

To install bigtree, run the following line in command prompt:

pip install bigtreeInstalled

If tree needs to use pandas methods, it requires additional dependencies. Run the following line in command prompt:

pip install 'bigtree[pandas]'

If tree needs to be exported to image, it requires additional dependencies. Run the following lines in command prompt:

pip install 'bigtree[image]'brew install gprof2dot # for MacOSconda install graphviz # for Windows

Alternatively, install all optional dependencies with the following line in command prompt:

pip install 'bigtree[all]'

Installation with conda

To install bigtree with conda, run the following line in command prompt:

conda install -c conda-forge bigtree